Business Incentives
In a recent study by the Tax Foundation, Nebraska was the state determined to have the lowest tax burden on new businesses and the ninth-lowest on existing businesses. And it’s no wonder. Lincoln-area businesses pay no inventory tax or sales tax on manufacturing equipment. And Nebraska Advantage continues to rank as one of the top incentive programs in the United States. You can also benefit from tax increment financing and customized job training.
Also part of the economic development package is the Microenterprise Development Fund Enhancement, which doubles the total support for technical assistance and loans for microenterprises to $500,000.
To assure that micro businesses realize the full potential to create jobs, enhance entrepreneurial skills...
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The Nebraska Advantage Package is Nebraska’s comprehensive economic development incentives that meet the needs of your expanding or relocating business. During the 2012 Legislative session, additional legislation was passed further enhancing Nebraska’s competitive incentives package. LB 1118 creates an additional tier 2 providing additional benefits...
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State-chartered nonprofit corporation that provides long-term capital loans to businesses unable to secure regular bank credit. NEDCO can make long-term loans (up to 20 years) to eligible small businesses for fixed asset projects. Financing is limited to 40 percent of the project’s total cost up...
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